The BNP-ISBA board members

Alessandra Guglielmi. Section Chair 2025.


Alessandra is a Full Professor of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano (Italy). Her research interests are mainly focused on Bayesian nonparametric inference, with emphasis on mixture modelling and computational aspects of these class of models. For more information, visit her website.


Li Ma. Chair Elected 2025.


Li is Professor of Statistical Science at Duke University (USA). His current research interest includes tree-based methods, generative models, nonparametric modeling and inference, and applications to biomedical problems. For more information, visit his website.


Garritt Page. Past Chair 2025.

Garritt is Full Professor of Statistics in the Department of Statistics at Brigham Young University (USA). His main research interest lies in Bayesian nonparametrics with particular interest in developing statistical methods that are based on random partition models. For more information, visit his website.


Juhee Lee. Program Chair 2024-2025.


Juhee is a Professor of Statistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz (USA). She is specialized in Bayesian nonparametrics, and its applications in diverse fields such as biology and clinical trials. Her research focuses on statistical decision-making and survival analysis. For more information, visit her website.

Weining Shen. Treasurer 2024-2025.


Weining is a  Associate professor of Statistics at UC Irvine (USA). His expertise spans Bayesian methods, biostatistics, imaging analysis, machine learning, nonparametric inference, causal inference, and sports analytics. For more information, visit his website.



Andrea Cremaschi. Secretary 2025-2026.

Andrea is Assistant professor in the School of Science and Techonology at IE University (Spain). His research focuses on both methodological and applied aspects of statistics, particularly within the Bayesian nonparametric framework. Some of his primary interests are mixture models with applications in biomedical studies, behavioral science and cohort studies. For more information, visit his website.

Past BNP-ISBA board members

Section Chair Program Chair Secretary Treasurer
2024 - Alejandro Jara
2021 - Subhashis Ghosal
2020 - Fernando Quintana
2019 - Igor Pruenster
2018 - Peter Mueller
2017 - Wes Johnson
2015/2016 - Antonio Lijoi
2013/2014 - Steve MacEachern
2010/2012 - Stephen Walker
2020/2021 - Alessandra Guglielmi
2018/2019 - Maria de Iorio
2016/2017 - Fernando Quintana
2014/2015 - Alejandro Jara
2012/2013 - Michele Guindani
2010/2011 - Ramsés Mena
2023/2024 - Raffaele Argiento
2021/2022 - Andrés Felipe Barrientos
2019/2020 - Sara Wade
2017/2018 - Long Nguyen
2015/2016 - Li Ma
2013/2014 - Surya Tokdar
2010/2012 - Theodoros Nicoleris
2020/2021 - Fabrizio Leisen
2018/2019 - Mingyuan Zhou
2016/2017 - Juhee Lee
2014/2015 - Alessandra Guglielmi
2012/2013 - Athanasios Kottas
2010/2011 - Maria Kalli